Monday, January 6, 2020

Organ Donation Interpersonal relationship - 980 Words

. O RG AN D O N ATIO N RO LE O F IN TERPERSO N AL RELATIO N SH IP O rgan D onation O rgan D onation O rgan D onation O rgan D onation ï‚ ¨ ï‚ ¨ A lot of people find organ donation a difficult subject to discuss, a bit like talking about death or making a will. However, it is a vital issue that affects thousands of people. Transplantation has gradually become the accepted treatment for a number of conditions where organs like the kidneys, heart and liver have irreversibly failed O rgan Shortage ï‚ ¨ Each day, about 60 people around the world receive an organ transplant, while another 13 die due to non-availability of organs. ï‚ ¨ Organ shortage — the main limitation to saving lives of critically ill patients — is due to individuals†¦show more content†¦SocialM essage on O rgan D onation Through M ovies ï‚ ¨ Example –The Ship Of Theseus ï‚ ¨ The film Ship of Theseus, India’s latest art-house sensation, aims to make the audience leave the cinema quietly resolving to sign a pledge donating all their organs. ï‚ ¨ In fact, the film’s cast, as well as the filmmaker Kiran Rao and her husband, the Bollywood actor Aamir Khan, attended a function in Mumbai last week to pledge their organs. ï‚ ¨ â€Å"We had discussed it before but after seeing Ship of Theseus, we realised that it was something we had to do – give the gift of life and use our bodies to change the life of not just one person but several,† said Rao. ï‚ ¨ The central question of Ship of Theseus derives from a question posed by Plutarch: if you replace all the decayed planks of a ship, does it remain the original ship? SocialM essage on O rgan D onation Through M ovies SocialM essage on O rgan D onation Through M ovies Conclusion ï‚ ¨ The technology of organ transplantation has been received and developed in different ways all over the world, but everywhere the way that the world sees organs and tissue has changed forever: they now hold a lifesaving value. No country has found an adequate way to meet the rising demand for donated organs, but the pressure that governments face to do so has lead to many different systems and solutions. ï‚ ¨ Despite varying religious and cultural and religious beliefs in different parts of the world I think that the overwhelming value ofShow MoreRelatedVirginia Henderson’s Concepts of Nursing and its Application to Practice1420 Words   |  6 Pagesstrength, will, or knowledge.† (p.26) It is the role of the nurse to help aid the patient back to independence as soon as possible. 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